World Teacher

World Teacher

Click here to see a five minute clip of Benjamin Creme announcing that Maitreya has given His first public interview on American television.

For years the world has been filled with miracles of all kinds. In April 1995 Time magazine devoted an eight-page spread to its cover story on miracles and concluded: “People are hungry for signs.”

Look now for the biggest miracle of all. In the very near future a large, bright star will appear in the sky visible to all throughout the world – night and day.

Later, Maitreya, the World Teacher for all humanity, will begin his open emergence and – though not yet using the name Maitreya – will be interviewed on a major US television program.

In 1988, CNN and many other media reported on Maitreya’s miraculous appearance to 6,000 people in Nairobi, Kenya, on Saturday, June 11. A week before the event, a remarkable sign occurred: “On Saturday 4 June a big, bright star was sighted, unusually brighter than ordinary stars,” reported Kenya Times editor Job Mutungi.

For over 30 years, artist, author and lecturer Benjamin Creme has been preparing the way for the biggest event in history – the emergence of Maitreya and his group, the Masters of Wisdom. In May 1982, Creme revealed at a packed press conference in Los Angeles that Maitreya had been living in the Asian community of London since July 19, 1977.

Awaited by all faiths under different names, Maitreya is the Christ to Christians, the Imam Mahdi to Muslims, Krishna to Hindus, the Messiah to Jews, and Maitreya Buddha to Buddhists. He is the World Teacher for all, religious or not, an educator in the broadest sense.

As a modern man concerned with today’s problems, Maitreya works behind the scenes of our changing world. The outpouring of his extraordinary energy has been the stimulus for dramatic developments on many fronts: the ending of the cold war; the break-up of the Soviet Union; the reunification of Germany; the ending of apartheid in South Africa; the growing power of the people’s voice, leading to demands for freedom and justice; and the worldwide focus on preserving the environment.

Maitreya’s message can be summarized as “share and save the world”. He will seek to inspire humanity to see itself as one family, and to create world peace through sharing, economic justice and global cooperation.
With Maitreya and his group working openly in the world, humanity is assured not only of survival but of the creation of a brilliant new civilization.

Click the link below to read the press release regarding the spiral light in the Norway sky heralding Maitreya’s emergence.

Will Treelighter’s Explanation


The Magic Tree is an artful representation in light and color of what the emergence of Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom mean to a world darkened with fear and misunderstanding. It is a humble attempt to represent or to symbolize in some small way that Absolute, Perfect, Unconditional Love which I believe is at the center of all things individually and collectively.

Maitreya is said to have embodied this Love to such a degree that He truly is a great, many faceted light in the darkness of our world arenas of political, economic, environmental and religious strife.

It is my goal here to fill you in a little on the advent of His emergence along with His group, our elder siblings, the Masters of Wisdom.

Get the whole story from the Share International web site:


The opinions shared on this page are mine alone and are not necessarily shared by any of my associates whether they are those in my family, my business, my church, or my circle of friends. I begin with this statement because the presence of one such as Maitreya is difficult for many to reconcile with what they have been taught. As a result misunderstanding and fear is often the reaction of those with fixed and inflexible ideas regarding the Expected One. My interest in this subject cannot be assumed to be necessarily shared by anyone (without exception) who knows me.


In my Untitled Notes for the 06/07 Magic Tree handout (complete text can be found on the archives page of this site) I say “Teachers and books point the way to me, but you must come to me yourself and alone…” (”me” refers not specifically to myself, Will Treelighter, but to the Universal Source of all being which is re-presented by each of us to varying degrees as we live out our lives. Maitreya embodies the most perfected representation of this Divine Source to date.)

Each of us must work out our own conclusions regarding the information that is presented to us no matter the source of that information. We may wish to leave it to a wise teacher or a respected book or a combination of the two to tell us what to think about the issues of great import but no matter how much we would like to do this we ultimately must make our own choices in these matters if we are to grow and mature in our own relationship to Spirit and truth. We must be able to think and work out for our own selves the reason we choose to put stock in a particular idea about God and our relationship to that Great Being.

So what I say here comes with the above disclaimer and with detachment from whether you accept it or not. In fact you should not simply accept it. Too many are willing to accept what they hear or read from a perceived authority. They go to church and simply accept what the preacher says simply because he is a respected leader in their community. Or people will read the Bible and simply accept what it says without using critical thinking to determine the inconsistencies and glean from the writings what is truly valuable. They are afraid they might make a mistake in their judgment and then be held liable by God for their mistake. This unfortunate and unhelpful fear is perpetuated by many (not all) religious organizations and leaders of all the various faiths (in relation to their own holy books and teachers) in order to maintain control over their constituents and grow their organizations.

No, you must not simply accept what I say for whatever reason you may have. Rather, it is my hope that you will consider the thoughts presented here with an open mind. If they find some hold in you by sparking your interest then by all means look into them further, consider them more deeply, translating and comparing terms used with those you are more familiar with. Talk about it with friends and teachers. Read books, consider and work out the inconsistencies. Make room for faith and hope but let it not be blind. Inform it with the workings of the mind on the ideas that resonate in the heart connecting your self to Spirit.

If what I say here finds no purchase in your soul then let it go and let it not trouble you. I only ask that you be cautious not only of what you find in this document but also keep a wary out look on all the sources that attempt to tell you what to think or believe without asking you to think for yourself on those things that they put forth as the truth. Be extra wary if fear is used to try and make you a believer. This indicates a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Who is Maitreya?

Here I begin my opinion on this matter of Maitreya. It is based on the information that I have gleaned from my exposure to Benjamin Creme and subsequently to the Ageless Wisdom Teachings as presented by Alice A. Bailey. This information I have coupled with my own experience in the Church, with my readings in the Bible, my study of philosophy and religion both western and eastern, a keen interest in physics and astronomy, and (from my perspective) what I consider intuitive insight gleaned from my meditations upon and contemplations of all the implications from these various sources. Finally the machinations of the reasoning mind attempt to put it all together coherently in the way that makes the most sense from my perspective.

It ever remains your response-ability to not simply have a knee jerk reaction to what I say here (unless you think that is all it deserves) but to search all your resources beginning with the heart to determine the value and the degree of truth that I here purport to present.

All the major religions have an expected one they call by various names. Christians expect Christ Jesus to return while the Jews expect the Messiah. Hindus expect the return of Krishna and Muslims the Imam Mahdi. Buddhists expect Maitreya (pronounced My-tray-a) Buddha and in this it would seem they have His correct name. In fact all these expected ones are the same person, the World Teacher, the Christ, Maitreya.

Maitreya is the one and the same person that represented Himself through Jesus of Nazareth and so we in the west think of Jesus as the Christ. Maitreya also represented Himself through many others in history such as Krishna and Hercules and so those in other traditions associate other divine manifestations as their Redeemer or Great Teacher. In fact all are presentations of the Sublime Divine as it may manifest through the human form.

Maitreya holds the position of World Teacher by right of His perfection of the expression of that Divine Absolute Perfect Unconditional Love that perhaps best describes the being (that is really quite beyond adequate description) we so obtusely call God. He is some one who is just like us but has gone on before us in His personal development to the perfection of the human expression of Love / Wisdom (aspects of God). He therefore is like an elder brother to humanity.

No longer does Maitreya need a form in the dense material world to work out the ramifications of cause and effect in His life for He has experienced all the possibilities needed to know the truth of how Divine Love works and how anything less than Divine Love fails to grant what we all ultimately desire: liberation from fear and the sweet bliss of pure goodness, ultimate wellness, and whole, abundant life.

Maitreya needs not a material form but dons the restrictive fit of one anyway in order to better communicate with us His younger siblings and to help us along on the path of perfection in the expression of Divine Absolute Perfect Unconditional Love. His emergence into the dense material world that we find ourselves in re-presents the Expected One that all the various religions await. He is that One and is here for all who would have Him even those who hold to no particular path. I like to think of Him as The Great Encourager.

He comes not as many Christians expect at the end of the world to take the chosen few up into heaven but rather at the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new cycle to inaugurate a new time of growth and understanding in Love. Those who are ready enter into this new time willingly and gladly and find a new measure of heavenly freedom from fear. Others, unsure of whether such a one as Maitreya is possible at this time, wait in a holding pattern, so to speak, a wait and see attitude with no commitment either way. Some regard Christ as only an inner reality that can only be made manifest from within. This is not far from the truth. Let me simply remind those who hold this perspective that Maitreya is supposed to be no different from us but just a little further along on the path of doing just this – manifesting from within, and thus fully identifying with, that inner reality some of us call Christ Consciousness or Christ Principle. Finally there are those who are unprepared for His advent and cling to old out worn ideas of some of their tradition that seem incongruous with this prospect of Maitreya; that cannot handle the new wine. They find themselves propelled into fits of fear and anxiety and mean acts that crack, break and render meaningless their own teachings adulterating them so that they barely hold water let alone new wine. The ironic result being an even greater incongruity with the teachings then the one first imagined in relation to Maitreya.a

Let this last category not include you, dear reader, but if it does let me remind you of my statement above. This is but my reasoned response to my heart’s leading. I could easily be full of just so much vanity and illusion. All must make up their own mind on these things. No one should be allowed to do this for you, least of all me. In fact I sense that it is an illusion that anyone else truly can decide these things for others regardless of what authority they are perceived to have. Each must follow their heart’s call and use the mental apparatus to determine the truth as best they can.

Just one more thing for this page. It has been my experience that the machinations of the mind, by itself, is not up to the task of discovering the whole truth when it comes to matters beyond “objective physical reality”. The idea of a Teacher for the world, a Christ, is integral to the subjective spiritual side of life from which Christ Consciousness emerges. Because of this, it is beyond the simple objective reality that the lower rational mind has its grounding in. The only way to explore this spiritual side of life is through quieting the machinations of the mind through such practices as meditation, prayer, and contemplation. Only in the stillness of a quiet mind can the still small voice of God be heard and can the subjective spiritual reality inexplicably inform the objective reasoning form. Thus higher mind, informed by spiritual intuition, must be employed to, in turn, inform the lower, rational portion of the mind in order for us to even begin to gain a holistic understanding of reality and the place of us in it, our relationship to it, and the total non-threatening goodness and love embodied by one such as Maitreya.

For years the world has been filled with miracles of all kinds. In April 1995 Time magazine devoted an eight-page spread to its cover story on miracles and concluded: “People are hungry for signs.”

Look now for the biggest miracle of all. In the very near future a large, bright star will appear in the sky visible to all throughout the world – night and day.

Later, Maitreya, the World Teacher for all humanity, will begin his open emergence and – though not yet using the name Maitreya – will be interviewed on a major US television program.

In 1988, CNN and many other media reported on Maitreya’s miraculous appearance to 6,000 people in Nairobi, Kenya, on Saturday, June 11. A week before the event, a remarkable sign occurred: “On Saturday 4 June a big, bright star was sighted, unusually brighter than ordinary stars,” reported Kenya Times editor Job Mutungi.

For over 30 years, artist, author and lecturer Benjamin Creme has been preparing the way for the biggest event in history – the emergence of Maitreya and his group, the Masters of Wisdom. In May 1982, Creme revealed at a packed press conference in Los Angeles that Maitreya had been living in the Asian community of London since July 19, 1977.

Awaited by all faiths under different names, Maitreya is the Christ to Christians, the Imam Mahdi to Muslims, Krishna to Hindus, the Messiah to Jews, and Maitreya Buddha to Buddhists. He is the World Teacher for all, religious or not, an educator in the broadest sense.

As a modern man concerned with today’s problems, Maitreya works behind the scenes of our changing world. The outpouring of his extraordinary energy has been the stimulus for dramatic developments on many fronts: the ending of the cold war; the break-up of the Soviet Union; the reunification of Germany; the ending of apartheid in South Africa; the growing power of the people’s voice, leading to demands for freedom and justice; and the worldwide focus on preserving the environment.

Maitreya’s message can be summarized as “share and save the world”. He will seek to inspire humanity to see itself as one family, and to create world peace through sharing, economic justice and global cooperation.
With Maitreya and his group working openly in the world, humanity is assured not only of survival but of the creation of a brilliant new civilization.

Click the link below to read the press release regarding the spiral light in the Norway sky heralding Maitreya’s emergence.

Maitreya’s Teachings

Click the link below to read the press release regarding the spiral light in the Norway sky heralding Maitreya’s emergence.

Maitreya’s teachings are simple. On Self awareness or Self realization in a nutshell Maitreya says practice honesty of mind sincerity of spirit and detachment from results. For addressing world problems He says “Take your brother’s need as the measure of your action and solve the problems of the world.”

These are indeed simple teachings not unlike the Buddha’s Eight Fold Path or Jesus’ “Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength” and the one like it “Love your neighbor as your self”.

If we already have such teachings what difference will it make to have Maitreya here to rephrase and reiterate them you might ask. Encouragement is my answer. I was raised in the church, by ministers for parents no less, yet I grew up and despaired at the predicament of world strife and our own people’s inability to make a consistent and concerted effort to alleviate the suffering and bring justice and equality to even our own country let alone the world. The prospect of one such as Maitreya in the world along with a whole group of highly developed Masters of Wisdom brings me hope that a dynamic demonstration and dissemination of wise teaching might actually turn the tables and inspire a sufficient number of people to be what it takes to lead this nation and other nations in peacemaking through sharing and justice for all.

It is important to realize that Maitreya, real or imaginary, is not here to do the work of saving the world for us. He is here to teach and inspire. We must take up the slack in the “piece of rope” we find in our hands what ever it looks like and serve the greater good of the whole. It must be voluntary and under our own volition and because we are willing because we realize that when part of our human family is suffering the whole of it is suffering. It is like when a person stubs a toe. It is not just the toe that hurts but pain shoots through the whole body and the mind is occupied with alleviating the pain and healing the wound until it is all better. So likewise it is with the greater human body we more commonly call the human race. We all participate in it. It is unavoidable. Do our actions contribute to its well being or detract from it?

Basic to Maitreya’s teaching is Self realization for our actions will not be truly helpful until we are aware of our true selves. Most of us, myself included, go about in a fog of unconscious self deception telling ourselves little stories about how wonderful we are or how awful we are. We do this as a nation too. Then we act from the points of view that result from the deceptions. It is really important to know one’s Self truly and when we do we will realize that we really are all facets of the same Great Being and then we will act from that awareness and our actions will be beneficial to all and the world will begin to look like a place called Heaven on Earth.

Consider these things. All will be well. We must simply be willing to recognize our own well being through Self awareness and be willing to spread it around by taking actions that improve other’s well being and in turn our own. (It is the ultimate in enlightened Self centeredness.) Seeing beauty is a good place to start. It heals, it invokes gratitude which in turn creates a sense of well being and abundance uncannily even in the face of poverty. Remember, Beauty is the signature of Absolute, Perfect, Unconditional Love and can be found any where it is sincerely looked for. Start there and then remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder which is you. Now you’ve uncovered that you are Absolute, Perfect, Unconditional Love being re-presented in human form. The dense physical form you’re in has been confusing and confounding Its expression but It is there non the less. Sit with that for a while. Be honest, sincere and detached. Appropriate action will come of its own.

More Information

You are no doubt curious about where I get my information about Maitreya. I did not pull it out of thin air although Mr. Creme may have! (I obviously don’t really think that, but understand if you do.) You can read plenty about Benjamin Creme and his relationship with a Master of Wisdom (an Ascended Master from whom he receives information telepathically) and about what this Master of Wisdom has revealed through Ben about Maitreya, the Ascended Masters and what they have to do with us at

Also check on these other sites for more angles on the emergence of Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom:

If you’re in media you may like to check out Share International Media Service:

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